MORE is supported by

Fondazione CARIPLO
Further information
Dr. Sabina Spiga
Laboratorio MDM
CNR-IMM, Unita' di Agrate Brianza
Via Olivetti, 2 - 20864
Agrate Brianza(MB) - Italy
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Website creation:
S. Spiga
R. Colnaghi



S. Spiga, Resistive Memories, "Due giornate sulla micro e nano elettronica", Universita' La Sapienza, Roma October 18th, 2010; invited contribution

D. Perego, S. Bonelli, L. Cattaneo, S. Franz, M. Bestetti, G. Tallarida, C. Wiemer, S. Spiga, Synthesis of Metal-Oxide-Metal nanowire heterostructures for ReRAM applications, EDNAN08, 17th-19th March 2011, Milan (Italy); oral contribution

S. Spiga, G. Tallarida, C. Wiemer, M. Fanciulli, D. Perego, S. Bonelli, L. Cattaneo, S. Franz, Nanoscale resistive switching in metal/NiO/metal thin film and nanowire-heterostructures for memory applicatons, EMRS-2011 Spring Meeting, Nice (France), May 8-13, 2011; oral contribution

D. Perego, F. Amiri, L. Cattaneo, S. Franz, M. Bestetti, G. Tallarida, S. Brivio, S. Spiga, Electrodeposition of Metal-Oxide-Metal nanowire heterostructures for ReRAM applications, ECS 2011, Boston (USA), October 2011; oral contribution

Invited seminars

22.11.2010, S. Spiga, Resistance switching memories, University of Modena, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Modena (Italy)