MORE is supported by

Fondazione CARIPLO
Further information
Dr. Sabina Spiga
Laboratorio MDM
CNR-IMM, Unita' di Agrate Brianza
Via Olivetti, 2 - 20864
Agrate Brianza(MB) - Italy
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Website creation:
S. Spiga
R. Colnaghi

Project objectives

The MORE project focuses on oxides based ReRAM, where the resistive non volatile memory element is a Metal/transition metal binary Oxides/Metal (MOM) heterostructure, with the oxide sandwiched between two metal electrodes.

The objectives of the MORE project are:

  1. The synthesis of thin films- and nanowire-based MOM heterostructures, as well as MOM nanowire arrays embedded in a alumina matrix, with resistive switching functionalities, and using advanced materials, using cost-effective deposition techniques and a combination of top-down/bottom-down approaches
  2. The investigation of the resistive switching properties of MOM heterostructures as building blocks for electronics and nano-electronic applications.

The proposed objectives are pursued through a multidisciplinary approach and combining the complementary expertise of two Italian research groups active in advanced materials and concepts for future nanoelectronic (memory) devices, as well as in metallic/oxide nanowires synthesis by electrochemical methods using porous anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) membrane templates. The characterization of the electric properties of the synthesized heterostructures, including the fabrication of nanodevices and the development of high-spatial resolution techniques are also addressed.

The planned outcomes of the proposed project are:


The activity of the project is divided in three work packages addressing specific issues:
WP1. Fabrication and characterization of thin film MOM heterostructures
WP2. Fabrication and characterization of 1D MOM heterostructures
WP3. Investigation of the resistive switching properties down to nanoscale